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Artsoup, May 2021

Well Term 2 already, wow this year is flying.

Term 1 had us again returning to providing Artsoup’s, ‘Raising Self Esteem through Creative Expression,’ programme in school. It always brings great joy to see the celebration of individual abilities and how that raises self-esteem and sense of self. This then has a massive knock- on effect to experiences and learning in the classroom. Children feel better about themselves, they have found a currency in which they are successful and they are more willing to take risks and try new things. They engage in a more positive way with their peers and are less frustrated. At the conclusion of the Term we had an exhibition to share and celebrate the successes with classmates and parents. It was so exciting to see the pride in our children. This will have ‘check ins’ and some continuation during Term 2 to maintain progress.

At the end of Term 1 we were privileged to set up a mosaic session for children in foster care. Very grateful to work with the fabulous people involved in this programme. The pride of achievement in the children and their calm satisfaction afterwards were rewards enough. We are very excited to continue to build relationships, and opportunities in this area.

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